
($username) = @ARGV;


system ("HCopy -T 1 -C users/$username/config2 -S testtr.scp > blah.txt");

system ("HParse gram wdnet");

system ("HVite -H users/$username/hmm9/macros -H users/$username/hmm9/hmmdefs -S test.scp -i recout.mlf -w wdnet -p 0.0 -s 5.0 users/$username/dict users/$username/monophones1");
system ("HVite -H users/anti/hmm9/macros -H users/anti/hmm9/hmmdefs -S test.scp -i recout1.mlf -w wdnet -p 0.0 -s 5.0 users/anti/dict users/anti/monophones1");

system ("HResults -t -I testref.mlf users/$username/monophones1 recout.mlf > blah.txt");
system ("HResults -t -I testref.mlf users/anti/monophones1 recout1.mlf > blah.txt");

open (CORRECT,"recout.mlf") || die ("Unable to open recout.mlf for reading");
while () {
	if(/$find/)	{
		$total=$total+(substr($_,  index($_,"-") , 29) );

open (ANTI,"recout1.mlf") || die ("Unable to open recout1.mlf for reading");
while () {
	if(/$find/)	{
		$total1=$total1+(substr($_,  index($_,"-") , 29) );

open (REZ,">finalresult.txt") || die ("Unable to open file for writing");
$diff= $total-$total1;
print (REZ "$diff");
print "$diff";
